The checklist

In order to throw a theme gathering, all you have to do… is to follow these steps you guys!!! So lets start…!!!

Choose a theme
Decide whether you want to throw something elegant or cozy (in order to do so, you need to think about your guests…for example: if you ve invited your boss, then you may want to go for something more elegant. Your maids of honor on the other side, may be more pleased for something more friendly and cozy)

Send invitations
You can invite your guests via phone, e-mail, messenger or even go eco-chic with paperless post, but remember…always a good choice to relate your invitation to the theme, as well asto mention the theme, so you can give your guests the opportunity to prepare, and adjust accordingly. For example to an informal and cozy dinner theme, probably your guests friends will choose to wear something more comfortable and simple. Otherwise, to an elegant soiree they would probably decide to wear something chic and more formal to tag along.

Seating (optional)
The idea of assigned seating is totally optional. Never the less, plenty of diy ideas are presented in this website for placing the names of your guests, accordingly to the theme of your choice. (place cards…and more)

Menu planning
Keep it simple, but tied into the theme!

Important tip: Make sure to ask your guests, before planning your menu, for any food allergies, dietary restrictions or about anything that they wouldn’t touch in general, and make the necessary adjustments. This is the way to avoid awkwardness, by leaving someone hungry and unpleased. Your menu (almost always), must consist the following 3 courses and drinks:

1.Hors d’oeuvres (appetizers)

2.Main dish


4. Drinks

Choose gifts for guests (optional)
A great idea to please your guests even more by giving them a small gift, and make your gathering even more memorable! Of course the gift you are going to offer, must symbolize your theme gathering. Many ideas for gifts are presented here, according to the theme of your choice!

Set the stage (according to the theme you have chosen)
It’s decoration time! One of the best parts, of your theme gathering, so…gooo wild!!! (even pour yourself a glass of wine while you doing it) Start by laying out all the necessary decorations. In order to do that, bye, make or even borrow any related decoration items. Figure out the lighting according to your theme and prepare your candle lights if necessary.

Important tips:

-when you are using candles, and there is food involved, avoid scented candles, as nobody (and especially you), wants the smell to interfere with the taste of your food. So you guys, better stick to non-scented candles!

-Always a good idea to designate a small side table (or a folding table if you have one), for ice, extra bread rolls, water, extra napkins etc. If you have never done this, I m sure you will find it very convenient at the end. It s a good way to make more room at the table, as well as to ensure the minimum comings and goings, towards the kitchen. After all, hosting a gathering should be enjoyable for the hostess too!

-Also, I strongly advise setting the stage and table, the night/day before, if possible. Trust me! by doing that, you will avoid last minute panic and you will feel more relaxed, and refreshed, during your gathering. After all, cooking & serving is enough work for the day of your theme gathering, don t you think?  .

This is an easy one! Open up your computer, go to a local radio station or select a playlist going YouTube or Spotify. Either way you must always consider to match the music with …(well you guessed right)…the theme! Remember not to exaggerate with the volume, keep it at the background, to avoid getting annoying, while your guests are trying to speak to each other.

Cleaning & preparing the house
Weeell…I know! It s the Dirty Job during the preparation, but what can I tell you…Somebody’s Gotta Do It! Do a quick cleaning of the house and make sure to focus on your bathroom. Your bathroom, or wc, must shine ladies! Prepare your bathroom by removing any personal belongings, you wouldn’t want guests to see.(I’m serious guys, if you don’t have room inside your cabinets…stuff them in a box!)
Select a place for coats and jackets. If you have a closet at the entrance, just make room by moving some of your coats to your bedroom closet, and fill it with hangers for your guests. If you don’ t have a closet, just select a bed for that purpose. Again hide or remove any personal belongings you wouldn’t like your guests to see.

Last but not least, choose your outfit!
So you guys ….get dressed accordingly by matching your clothes to the theme! Of course by that, I don’t mean that in an Irish night for example, you should wear a Kilt…but wearing something green, a top perhaps, would match your theme perfectly! Anyhow, this is something I will help you with each time you read the theme of your choice, so don’t worry. Just remember…nobody wants to see their hostess in her sleepers, except of course if you’re throwing a slumber party. Otherwise, you are the hostess!!! You might as well say, you are the QUEEN of the night. You are the one making all of this happen, with your ideas, your effort, your attitude. So yes! You my lady…are the QUEEN of this event! Remember that !!!

