You have several easy choices for picnic food folks! Macaroni salad, tuna salad sandwiches or if you want something even more simple…some different kinds of bread with cheese, salami etc. You can either choose one of the above, two or all three as well! This depends totally up to you, and the time and effort you want to put!



Macaroni salad recipes:

 Tuna salad sandwich recipes:

Drinks: Wine, some beer and some soft drinks are more than enough for your picnic. No need to exaggerate with the quantity here guys. Everyone should be able to understand, that first of all, it isn’t easy to carry a large amount of beverages, and second of all, there is no way to preserve them for a very long time. So try to have the maximum amount you will be able to handle, according to the number of your guests…and this will have to be enough!

Tip: there is no shame to ask your guests to bring their own bottle of water. First of all, you will avoid having to carry so many bottles yourself (as well as extra cups), and second of all, it will be easier for your guests to know their own bottle. Trust me guys…they won’t get it the wrong way, after all, all they have to carry is their smile and their own bottle of water. Not a big deal, right?



Dessert: Fruits are the perfect choice! After all, being in nature, under the sun, at some point will make everyone… call out for something refreshing!