Appetizers: For appetizers I would suggest easy but tasty at the same time solutions! A Cheese & onion pie would be a great start! Some vegetables, some roasted garlic with bread and olives, and last but not least, some egg salad…cause you can’t have a typical Easter table without eggs guys!!! You can even decorate some boiled eggs (even use them as name tags), place them at your table and let your guests pill them if they want to. This is something we in Greece do a lot…after our traditional game of “Cracking eggs”!!! If you want, check out the link below, to learn the rules of the game (which are pretty simple) and play it with your guests…it is really funny folks!!!



Main course: A typical Easter dish in many places is “lamp”…and it’s absolutely delicious! Some roasted potatoes on the side and you have a traditional Easter main course, which everybody will love!



Cheese & onion pie recipe:

 Egg salad recipes:

 Roasted lamb recipes:

 Oven Roasted Potatoes recipe:


 Drinks: Red and white wine to please all tastes! Don’t forget to serve soft drinks as well and some coffee with the dessert! (check out  below a great idea I found online, to create a beautiful wine cooler)



Dessert: After eating lamb, which lets face it, it is not considered to be the lightest choice between meats…you will need something refreshing for dessert! Cheesecake is one of the two things that come into my mind; Lemon-Buttermilk Pound Cake is the other one! Both quite light … tasting like spring!!!



Lemon-Buttermilk Pound Cake recipe:

 Cheesecake recipes: