

in Asian Night, Chapters

Asian Night – Menu & Drinks

Menu & Drinks:

Appetizer: Spring rolls will be just fine…everybody eats spring rolls. And there is a big variety of frozen, but delicious spring rolls that you will find at any store. Just defrost them (if needed), and put them in the oven. Of course you can make them yourself from the start, but really there is no need to, and I certainly wouldn’t do…after all preparing the main courses is enough work to do!

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in Asian Night, Chapters, Themes

Asian Night – Music

Music: Well, it will be really nice, to have some traditional Chinese music playing at the background.  It will complete the whole idea of a Chinese dinner party, and also will be very relaxing for your guests. It’s true…Chinese music seems to be very relaxing and soothing!
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in Asian Night, Chapters, Themes

Asian Night – Outfit

Outfit: you can go with two ways…either a simple black and white ensemble, or if you have something reminding a Chinese print. Perhaps a Chinese top, or something with floral print. But frankly guys, I would choose a simple but elegant black and white outfit…seems less cheesy.
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in Chapters, Tea Party, Themes

Tea Party – Decor

Theme colors: You must go floral all the way!

Style: create a shabby chic, vintage style…and remember, you can go outdoor (whether you have a garden or a porch) or indoor, it depends if the weather permits it, and it’s totally up to you!
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